Mastering Rate Limiting in Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

2 min readDec 5, 2023


Rate limiting is a crucial aspect of web application security and performance optimization. In this guide, we will delve into the world of rate limiting in Laravel, exploring its significance and providing you with a detailed, step-by-step approach to implement it effectively.

Why Rate Limiting Matters
Before we dive into the implementation, let's understand why rate limiting is essential for your Laravel application. Rate limiting helps prevent abuse, protects your resources from being overwhelmed, and ensures fair usage of your application's services.

Step 1: Install Laravel:
If you haven't already, install Laravel by running the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel your-project-name

Step 2: Set Up Database:
Ensure your database is configured correctly in the .env file. Run migrations to set up the necessary tables:

php artisan migrate

Step 3: Create a Middleware:
Generate a middleware for rate limiting:

php artisan make:middleware RateLimitMiddleware

Step 4: Implement Rate Limiting Logic:
Open the generated RateLimitMiddleware and implement your rate limiting logic. For example, limiting requests to 100 per minute:

// app/Http/Middleware/RateLimitMiddleware.php

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$key = $request->ip(); // You can customize the key based on your needs
$limit = 100; // Requests per minute
$decayMinutes = 1; // Reset in 1 minute

$maxAttempts = $this->limiter->attempts($key);

if ($maxAttempts >= $limit) {
return response()->json(['error' => 'Too many requests. Please try again later.'], 429);

$this->limiter->hit($key, $decayMinutes * 60);

return $next($request);

Step 5: Register Middleware:
Add your middleware to the app/Http/Kernel.php file:

// app/Http/Kernel.php
protected $middleware = [
// ...

Step 6: Customize Rate Limiting:
Feel free to customize rate limiting parameters and storage options based on your application's requirements. Laravel provides various drivers like database, Redis, and more.

Congratulations! You've successfully implemented rate limiting in your Laravel application, bolstering its security and optimizing resource usage. Remember to fine-tune your rate limiting settings as your application evolves.

By following this step-by-step guide, you've gained valuable insights into Laravel rate limiting, empowering you to create robust and secure web applications.

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👋 Hey there! I'm Arjun Amrutiya, a passionate web developer and blogger who loves all things PHP, Laravel and Vue.js. Welcome to my Medium account!